Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and is known as the twins. It is accepted that Gemini suggests the mutability - the "from one to the other" idea - of the signs quality, double-bodied or bi-corporal. Legend speaks of the twins, Castor and Pollux, who are immortalized in the sign Gemini. A lovely young maiden named Leda took Jupiter's fancy. Once again as with Europa, he took another form to attract her. This time he took the body and shape of a graceful swan. Leda immediately took a liking to Jupiter and allowed him, as a swan, to court her. As a result of this union, the twins Castor and Pollux were born. They had great mutual admiration for one another and became inseparable friends. They were so close that one was never seen without the other. They soon became crew members of the great and famous Argonaut fleet, and they were of great assistance in the restoration of the Golden Fleece. Castor trained the Argonauts to ride horses. It is fitting that the Romans considered him as the patron of their cavalries. Pollux's great talent was as a fighter. They were courageous and knew no fear, their fame swiftly spread around the world. On a particularly stormy night with the ship Argo in extreme danger, they set an incredible example of sheer courage which is still remembered today. For this reason, the Olympian gods set them apart from mere mortals and placed them as twin stars in the Constellation Gemini. Ever since, seafaring men have used the light of these dual stars to plot the course of their ship. You can locate this sign and constellation in the evening sky by finding the two bright stars named after the twins Castor and Pollux.
Gemini is the sign of opinion and discussion e.g. the teacher-pupil relationship. Gemini embraces all forms of communication including the scientific. The Sun usually enters this sign on or about May 21st. Gemini is of the air element, mutable and intellectual in trinity. The key words are vivification, intellect and diversity. (Before reading further review all characteristics of Gemini in Lesson 3.) In nature this sign is masculine or positive, active, expressionable and dominant. Some favorable attributes are: clever, intuitive, refined and affectionate. Some unfavorable: restless, sometimes too clever, often misunderstood. Gemini is the quickest walker, physically moving faster than the other eleven signs. Geminis think on their feet and are as mentally agile as they are physically swift. They have unruly curling hair at the temples seeming to fringe out and away from the temples in a wind-blown effect. The general facial expression is open, as if ready for speech. The body remains slim and trim throughout their lives. He is generally successful in employment in any line parallel with the affairs of his birth sign or the interests of the house in which the Sun appears in his horoscope. He is compatible with those born under his own sign or one that is opposite it, trine to it or sextile: Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries. Once again the Sun-Moon relationship is best for marriage.
Decanate division shows that those born when the Sun was in the first ten degrees of Gemini give evidence of mastership, activities on the mental plane and deduction after assimilation. Those of the second decanate; fidelity and the drive for progressive causes. Third decanate; reason and the power of the objective mind. The essential dignities and debilities of Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, are: dignities - it governs Gemini and Virgo and is exalted in Aquarius; Debilities - it is in its detriment when in Sagittarius and Pisces, and in its fall when in Leo. In the mundane astrology, Gemini rules universities, villages, schools and all activity connected with them; and all modes of transportation and delivery of messages. Gems - there is no authoritative list of gems according to astrology, though many lists are in existance. They are the arbitrary choices of those compiling them. Gems - there is no authoritative list of gems according to astrology, though many lists are in existence. They are the arbitrary choices of those compiling them.
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